

Today was a tough day. It was pretty exhausting both physically and mentally. And emotionally tiring to keep yourself cheerful in lockdown, it’s been more than a month since it started.

As the poignance of lockdown was drowing me, I heard loud rustling of trees and howling wind. I stepped outside to behold the blue sky turn sepia. It was picturesque. I continued gazing at the sky as I sat down.

As I sat there, peace seemed to seep into my skin. I let my bones, flesh and soul soak it. This is exactly what I needed. With the wind, my thoughts began to flutter from my one moment to another. My mind was going to happy places.

In spur of the moment, I started scrolling through the photo gallery of my phone. Photographs have a way of transporting us to the feelings we had in the moments they were caprtured. With thousands of photographs in my phone, I chose a few that symbolize a happy moment for me. Here they are…

A reminder of one hell of a happy day
An evening well spent 3 years back and ate the tastiest fish curry and rice of my life.
The intensity of waves and my heart when it reaches the beach is the same.
When early morning walks on the hill were normal and I was always behind him..
About a year back, I woke up to this view.
I’d named her Tintin..and she keeps birthing every other quarter. My mom usually takes care of her family’s needs.
About 4 years back. When you know..
When really want to meet your love after work and you’re hungry too. I used to always find time to meet and surprise him.
About two years back in Delhi. It was a chilly evening and my cheeks were numbed by the cold breeze.

I’ll add some more to it..when I have some more time in hand.

By ThePinkLensStories

A believe of the power of expression. From time to time, I would pen down my thoughts on this page on the ever evolving world around me. I would cover things, people and emotions that catch my eye. Sometime with words, sometimes with pictures.

Let's stay connected here and get to know one another's world! It's The Pink Lens Stories, from my perspective.

I would be excited for your feedbacks on my blog!!

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